With the support of Power Engineering 101’s study materials, this engineer went from struggling to successfully earning his 1st Class Certification
"My first exam was a failure. Abismal is a more accurate description. As I re-evaluated my options I realized that I either needed to quit, since spending a year in the Reeds books didn’t seem like fun, or find help so my studies could be streamlined with solid accurate material. I chose the later and reached out to Power Engineering101 for support. After hitting the books again with the PE101 materials I pulled off an 82% three months later. It was still a lot of effort but I had confidence that the material I saw on the exam was consistent with the PE101 study guide. Since then, I have used PE101 for all eight exams- some solid passes, others re-writes. The volume of information is still high and it still required most weekends, holidays and other scraps of time but the PE101 materials kept me on track and streamlined my approach to studying. Glad to say that recently I received my First Class ticket…now I sit home on the weekends and wonder what to do."
~ Mark B - 1st Class Power Engineer