1st Class Part A2 Power Engineering Course
Study Guides &
Practice exams
Support from expert tutors
40-60 Hours
Self Paced learning
Exam Success
This 1st Class – Part A2 Power Engineering course is specifically designed to prepare you for your provincial certification exam, based on the standardized SOPEEC syllabus used across Canada. Our focused study guides ensure that you are learning the exact content required to pass, with no unnecessary distractions.
You’ll have six months of full access to the course, with free reactivations if needed. The self-paced format allows you to study at your own speed, and unlimited 1-on-1 support from expert tutors is always available.
We guarantee exam success. Our proven approach will prepare you with the confidence and knowledge needed to excel.
Required Resources
- 1A2 Textbook
- Academic Suppliment
- Jurisdictional Safety Codes Act
- CSA Codes Extract
Learning Path
Study Guides & Practice Exams provided for each section
Covers lifting mechanisms, addressing work and power in lifting systems. Focuses on efficiency, safety, and reliability in equipment handling, essential for managing risk in heavy machinery operations.
Explores principles of energy conservation, impulse, and momentum, focusing on the control of kinetic and potential energy within power plant environments.
Analyzes centripetal forces and balancing of rotating masses, critical for maintaining the stability of high-speed rotating equipment such as turbines and pumps.
Reviews stress-strain relationships in materials under load, with a management perspective on ensuring structural integrity and minimizing wear in critical plant components.
Covers torque and tension calculations for shaft operations and load-bearing equipment, essential for assessing and managing mechanical stress in power systems.
Focuses on fluid mechanics, including static pressure, flow continuity, and Bernoulli’s principle, which support safe and efficient fluid management in boilers and piping.

Key Features
- Self Paced system allowing flexibile preparation
- Study guides to ensure you focus on the right material
- Unlimited 1-on-1 tutoring support
- Follows the SOPEEC syllabus
- Updated regularly to ensure content is relavent